Norwegian Space Cluster presented at Norwegian Micro Satellite Conference 2024: Exploring Commercialization and Market Potential in the growing Space Sector

Oslo, Norway - The Norwegian space cluster (NSC) took stage at the Norwegian Micro Satellite Conference held at Skøyen on February 5th, 2024 with a talk on the theme Commercialization and Market potential in the space sector. The conference, organized by the Center for research-driven innovation (CENSS), NTNU, and SINTEF, and hosted by Space Norway, brought together experts and innovators to discuss various themes related to the microsatellite industry. With a diverse program spanning the entire day, attendees were treated to insights and presentations covering crucial aspects of the evolving space landscape.

The conference explored topics such as arctic surveillance using small satellite constellations, advancements in satellite technology as well as research initiatives and agile operations for space debris detection, and control challenges in small satellite missions. Additionally, MikroSAR, maritime communication, and IoTas well as the potential of microsatellites with deployable optics for astronomy and Earth observation were discussed. Other topics included compact neutron and gamma-ray detectors, high-capacity data collection for Earth observation satellites, and updates on FFI's optical ground station.

The event provided a platform for networking and collaboration during the mingling session, fostering connections among professionals in the rapidly advancing Norwegian space sector. As the country continues to make strides in space technology, conferences like these play a crucial role in showcasing achievements, discussing challenges, and shaping the future of the industry.


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