Norwegian Space Cluster attends Space Dinner for the first time

Oslo, February 2024: Every year, NIFRO – the Norwegian space industry’s branch organization – holds a space dinner, or a conference followed by a dinner to facilitate dialogue between the industry, academia and policy makers / authorities on important topics and trends in Norwegian space policy.

This years theme was "Space capacities and sustainability" with a range of different speakers including several of the space cluster members, such as KDA, Nammo, Eidel, Spaceport Norway and UiT.

Space Dinner is a great forum to meet the Norwegian space sector, discuss challenges and opportunities as well as form new collaborations.

The space cluster attended Space Dinner with a stand and enjoyed discussions with both new and familiar faces.


Visit to ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holland


Norwegian Space Cluster presented at Norwegian Micro Satellite Conference 2024: Exploring Commercialization and Market Potential in the growing Space Sector