Blue Week in Bodø: Norwegian Space Cluster Hosts Ocean Space Event and Start-Up Breakfast Seminar

Bodø, Norway – May 2024

During the annual Blue Week in Bodø, the Norwegian Space Cluster held two notable events, bringing together experts and innovators from the fields of maritime and space industries. The events, focusing on the intersection of ocean and space technologies and the potential of Norwegian start-ups, drew both interest and participation.

Ocean Space Event – May 13

The Ocean Space event, held on May 13, explored the synergies between maritime and space sectors. The program featured insightful presentations on maritime surveillance and sustainable ocean practices.

Eirik Ludvigsen, a space guide and former staff officer for space operations at the Norwegian Armed Forces, and Frode Halvorsen from the Ocean Autonomy Cluster, who is also a member of ESA's task force for ocean sustainability, delivered keynote speeches. Ludvigsen emphasized the importance of integrating space-based technologies for enhanced maritime surveillance, while Halvorsen discussed initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable ocean practices through space technology.

The event also highlighted innovative solutions from start-ups. Brage Johansen from Spectrum Blue presented their unique antibacterial coating for equipment, designed to making safer spaces. Åsmund Brekke from Catchwise showcased the use of satellite data to support sustainable fishing practices, demonstrating the practical applications of space technology in preserving marine resources.

Start-Up Breakfast Seminar – May 16

On May 16, the Norwegian Space Cluster hosted a Start-Up Breakfast Seminar, featuring Brage W. Johansen from Spectrum Blue. This event provided an engaging platform for discussing entrepreneurial experiences and the vast potential of Norwegian industries in the space sector.

Held at KPB, the seminar focused on various disciplines within the space industry, including the emerging field of space mining. Johansen shared his journey as a start-up founder, highlighting the challenges and opportunities in bringing innovative space-related solutions to market. His insights underscored the significant role of start-ups in driving technological advancements and economic growth within the Norwegian space industry.

Both events underscored the dynamic collaboration between maritime and space sectors, showcasing Norway's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies for sustainable development and industrial growth. The Norwegian Space Cluster continues to foster innovation and collaboration, with the aim to positioning Norway as a key player in the global space industry.


Space Cluster Meetup in Tromsø, 15-16th of April